Amazing Features About Your iPhone You Should Know Today

The majority of iPhone owners use their smartphones regularly without using all of its features. We often hear about “hacks” that allow us to use our iPhone features in novel ways, but many of them are either impractical or too complex for everyday use. As a long-time iPhone user and Apple lover, I’ve learned through the years about secret iPhone features, shortcuts, and methods that have helped me get the most out of my iPhone and streamline my daily routine while being practical for everyday usage. Here are Shatterfix’s top iPhone hacks, tips, tricks, and features of iPhone that you probably haven’t tried yet but should. #1: Scan text using your iPhone’s camera Have you ever wished you could aim your iPhone’s camera at a sign or a piece of paper and have it recognize and copy the text into an email or a document? It’s doable and awesome with iOS 15. Click on the link to read the full blog-